
AEJEG 11th September 2024

Last updated: 03 September 2024


Meeting of the Joint Expert Group for Additives, Enzymes and other regulated products   

11th of September 2024 at 9:30   

Microsoft Teams    


1. Welcome and apologies 9:30-9:35

2. Matters arising: Update on RP42 (Reserved) 9:35-10:00 

3. RP42 CAD paper on Application for the Extension of use of nisin (E 234) to a new food category “egg analogues” (RP42) (Reserved) Opinion Paper AEJEG/2024/12  10:00-11:40

4. Coffee break 11:40- 11:50 

5. RP42 CAD paper on Application for the Extension of use of nisin (E 234) to a new food category “egg analogues” (RP42) (Reserved) Opinion Paper AEJEG/2024/12  11:50-13:00 

6. Lunch Break  13:00-13:30

7. RP1457 CAD paper on Application for Authorisation of the substance glycolipids (E 246) (Nagardo, AM-1) for use as a new food additive (RP1457))   (Reserved) Opinion Paper AEJEG/2024/013  13:30-14:20  

8. Coffee break  14:20 – 14:30 

9. RP1457 CAD paper on Application for Authorisation of the substance glycolipids (E 246) (Nagardo, AM-1) for use as a new food additive (RP1457))   (Reserved) Opinion Paper AEJEG/2024/013  14:30-15:20 

10. Minutes of the last meeting AEJEG/2024/14  15:20-15:50  

11. AOB  15:50-16:00

Date of next Smoke Flavourings AEJEG meeting: 18th September 2024 

Date of next standard AEJEG meeting: 16th October 2024


*coming soon*